Contest time

You might have seen it on my DeviantArt page already: I've launched a new contest about aSoE! I love doing things like this and see what kind of wonderful entries people make. I called it the 777 contest to celebrate my 777th watcher on DeviantArt. And to continue the '7' theme, there will be seven winners (if I get enough entries, of course)! The deadline is still far away: May 1st, so plenty of time to sharpen your pens/pencils/stylus/paint brushes (can you even do that?).

The idea is to draw/write/craft one or more of the story's characters, but it has a twist: the character has to do something of course, and that something has to match one of the following seven story snippets. Genders and names have been removed to give you ultimate freedom.


The fire grew. Its flaming tongues spread, formed tentacles, then solidified into legs. The ground hissed and blackened when the burning beast touched it. A big, snarling mouth emerged, filled with smoke and teeth of heat.

Xe recognised it. The element might be different, but the creature was the same. Xe pushed xer back against the wall.

Not again, please. Let it go away...


'No, I just need their colour.'


The forest was neither big nor dense. The trees disappeared much sooner than xe hoped, and xe ran into a fallow field.

Xe came to a slipping stop; the field was occupied.


'Next time I will leave you at home, grandpa.'


'What kind of magic is that?'



Character A opened the door a bit further, and peeked onto the living room. Character B hadn't walked into the apartment yet. Actually, B didn't seem to want to get inside at all: B was looking at the building's walls, instead of prying open the lock of the balcony doors. If B truly was a burglar, xe was an odd one.



'And that's why you should wear trousers.'

Prizes include free artwork made by me, but also DeviantArt goodies, like points and artwork features, meaning that having an account there is pretty handy. This is just a short summary of the contest, so if you want to know more about it, go HERE.

#contest #prizes #fun #deviantart