New stories, new art

It’s been quiet here for some time, which means I have quite a few art and literature pieces I want to share with you! Sorry for the lack of updates. My furniture demanded a new layer of paint (and I have lots of furniture), and what didn’t help either was that my computer broke down. It’s been replaced, though, after two months of searching for solutions (don’t blame the guy working at the store’s customer’s service. He is great). I hope things will go the way I want again.

First thing I did with my new computer was updating my site. Or better: overhaul it. I write more and more stories which have nothing to do with a State of Equilibrium, but I still want to share those. So the focus of my site is less on aSoE now and more on, well, me. I now have ‘my art’ and ‘my stories’ pages, which will show you new stuff I have not shared with you before! Unless you follow me on DeviantArt, then you’ll find nothing new. Sorry.

Amongst those new stories, you’ll find the things I wrote for Flash Fiction Month (FFM). That's a crazy project in July where writers have to write flash fiction (stories less than a thousand words) every day. Every day. That's thirty-one stories in one month!

Guess how many I wrote: six.

I'm so productive... Still, it's six more than the number of stories I normally write in a month, so it's quite a victory for me. You can read the stories here.

If you want more Flash Fiction Month material, then check out this page. Here you can find all stories written for this month, this year. It's a great and fast way to discover new writers.

As for art, well... Having no computer - at least, not a good one - means no Photoshop, so it was back to pencils for me. It has been a while since I used those, but it wasn't as uncomfortable as I thought it would be. I even unlocked a new skill: drawing beards.

For older works, go here.

And last, but not least... I have art for sale! I'm selling some rights of this baby, which means you can use it as a book cover, poster, or on your site for only 4.30 Euros (which is 4 to 5 USD. I'm not sure what the currency exchange rate is). That's nothing, especially for something hand drawn. You can buy it on DeviantArt.

I would love to make more stock art like this and perhaps even sell it on big stock sites when I have enough drawings. Do you have any suggestions for what I should draw next?

#art #stories #site #sale