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Hello there!

So you actually want to know who I am, huh?

I'm Pam, a Jack of all Trades from the Netherlands with a deep love for fantasy. I draw, craft, and write about the stuff. Other hobbies are archery and playing the occasional board game. I’m afraid I have more interests than free time, haha! I have a background in Earth Sciences, which has completely ruined me. I can’t look normally at landscapes anymore — including imaginary ones, as my eye twitches funny every time I read something about a river splitting in two… Except when it happens in a delta. Delta’s are great and therefore pardoned.

Anyway… You're still here? Why? Hoping something more interesting will pop up?

Very well. 

I'm a sand witch. Don't tell anyone. The muggles call it a Ph.D. in coastal morphodynamics, but they have no idea what they are truly talking about. Those days are behind me, as I now work for an environmental engineering consultancy where I wrangle with geospatial data. In less fancy words: I work with maps. In more fantastic words: I’m a cartographing sand witch. Yeah!

I’ve always been an artist, though. Drawings brought my very first characters to life. Once I learnt there were festivals in my country where cosplay is a totally normal thing, I brought some characters quite literally to life through costumes. There is only this much a drawing and an outfit can do, though. I had to write down the details. And all of a sudden, a State of Equilibrium was born!


My writings come in two languages. My first writing attempt was in Dutch, which didn’t work. I lived a very English-centered life at the time; I would use Dutch only for my grocery lists. Luckily, English worked! After a few years of fooling around, I gave Dutch a second try. And with success, now Sterrenduister/Stardark is here!

constellation star dress
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