A template for geographically correct fantasy worlds
Erasmuscon is over; it was a great event where science fiction and fantasy nerds come together to chat about science fiction and fantasy...
I swear, I still exist. I just live under a thick layer of dust and between moving boxes. Fortunately, our house is slowly getting more...
Time to leave!
Today is the day... My friend and I will get the keys of our new house! Yes, we have bought a home. So fellow house-seeking millennials,...
All writing awards, great and small...
The Hugo Awards: an award for the best SFF stories and works of art. Some of my favorite writers have been nominated for it or have even...
Anthology! And other things
Life's busy. Busy in a good way, but time flies! And I forget to tell the world I still exist. Shame on me, I know. So here's an update!...