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All writing awards, great and small...

The Hugo Awards: an award for the best SFF stories and works of art. Some of my favorite writers have been nominated for it or have even won this award. It's quite a prestigious thing for the writing/artsy gods among us. And that's pretty much where my knowledge of this award ends...

Colour me surprised when I heard someone wanted to nominate my work (a drawing of the Fatin telescope from Sterrenduister (Stardark)) for this prize. The site Fantasize has even published an article where my work gets mentioned. This is so awesome! But eh, what exactly does this mean and how does the contest work?

Go here for a larger size.

The Hugo Awards works with nominations. The award ceremony takes place during the World Science Fiction Convention (Worldcon), this year in August in Glasgow. Members and visitors of the Worldcon may nominate works for this prize, as long as they were published in 2023 - the creator of the work is not allowed to nominate himself! But he can start campaigns to get more votes. Because once the voting period is over, only the most popular works will continue as finalists. You can vote for the ultimate winner during the Worldcon.

A long, difficult road, then! So no, I'm not going to win, but I'm honoured that someone wants to nominate me. By the way, if you are a Worldcon member (or want to become one) and also want to vote for me: you are awesome! Or you can support other Dutch authors and illustrators who have been nominated, such as Sandy Butchers or Robin Rozendal. The deadline is January 31. More info:

De Worldcon of 2024 will take place in Glasgow. I'd love to go there, but I need to make sure I have the time, money and energy for it. I just bought a house that needs some renovating. There will be another award ceremony I'll certainly visit, though: the Fantascifi book festival on January 27 in Ermelo! Part of this festival is a short story writing contest with the theme 'The Netherlands in 2084'. I submitted something, and I'm really curious how well my entry did. But most of all, I believe it will be a wonderful afternoon. Will I see you there?


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