New adventures
Look at that, this place isn't quite dead yet. I'm sorry for not sharing updates, life got a little busy. A lot has happened since my...
Book cover of the month?
My anthology may become the book cover of the month! But not without help...
On the fifth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me...
five magic rings,
four tarot cards,
three sneaky rogues,
two leather gloves,
and a dragon in a fir tree!
Well, fuck.
I cut a tendon (actually, 1.75 tendons) in my right index finger. How? Because cake. So this cake of doom involved walnuts, and since...
aSoE: the musical is LIVE!
And it's so awesome it triggers my capslock: GO WATCH IT!!!! Eleynah surprised me with a first 'simple' piano version over a year ago as...
Ripley's contest trip: Orlando and California! P1
Short throwback: DA and Ripley's (museum for super weird stuff, including art) organised this contest last year, where deviants had to...
New stories, new art
It’s been quiet here for some time, which means I have quite a few art and literature pieces I want to share with you! Sorry for the lack of
A short recap of Elfia
Photo by Original Cin Remember when I said that I would cosplay Thranduil at Elfia? Well... I didn't. The weather was too warm for a...
My first published cover art
I am so excited about this news! In case you don't know: I am an artist who sometimes is open for commissions - like, once in a lifetime,...
Morion exists!
Morion is what happens when Morgan and Orion get paired together and people no longer bother to see them as two different characters...
To Elfia - as the Party King of Mirkwood
Besides writing, I like to fire up my glue guns, craft costumes, and show my creations at festivals and fairs. Normally, these costumes...
Exploring cli-fi
I haven't posted anything related to my story recently, but that doesn't mean I'm not doing anything. Morgan's arc of A State of...
November is coming! Meaning it's time for that dreadful, but oh-so productive event called NaNoWriMo. NaNo stands for National Novel...
I'm going to be published author!
Pretty much a month ago, I submitted an entry for the fantastic story competition organised by the Dutch Comic Con, the American Book...
Contest time
You might have seen it on my DeviantArt page already: I've launched a new contest about aSoE! I love doing things like this and see what...
Merry Christmas!
And a happy new year! 2016 is coming to an end, and I want to thank you all for following me. Some bad things happened this year, but if...
My NaNoWriMo journey
November has come to an end, meaning an end to NaNo. Yes, it's over, finally! If you don't know it: NaNoWriMo is about writing 50000...
The good thing about jet lags
This is just a short post, to compensate my previous one. I hope you don't mind... At least it features a cute kitten, that justifies...
There and back again
It has been rather quiet here, so time to show you guys I am still alive. I've been to Australia and New Zealand. Absolutely wonderful...
Let's get started!
Okay, so this is my first blog. I don't want this page to look empty after all. Yay for that! So what kind of stuff can you expect to...